August 27, 2016

And six years later.....

A lot has changed. Including me. Where do I even begin? Not quite sure, but I think maybe it's time to talk again, even if its just to the empty abyss of cyberspace.

I made a lot of plans. The plan fell apart. I haven't quite been able to put the pieces back together, but I'm trying. Slowly. It takes time. I got burned very badly. Lot my way. Had to give up and start over. It's hard. It hurts like hell sometimes.

That's a terrible introduction I know, but how do I break the ice after SIX YEARS of saying nothing? To be fair, I was in the middle of my senior year of college when I started this and I was probably procrastinating from doing something important, and then realized I couldn't afford to procrastinate. So here I am, you lucky people.

If you're still reading this....bless your heart. I hope I won't let you down, friend.


November 1, 2010

Why I'll Never Make it in the Real World


A.  I will walk deeper into the ghetto at 10 pm to get a sandwich from wawa, rather than go to the Subway 1/2 a block from me, just so I don't have to talk to people. 

B.  I have zero desire to analyze, discuss, or comment on my, or anyone else's, lunch menu or eating habits with coworkers, including, but not limited to, your love/hate relationship with wraps and why you find it necessary to cut an apple into one inch cubes before you eat it.  Seriously, I could care less.  Don't ask me if I'm eating salad when I'm clearly eating salad.

C.  I think sarcasm is a good way to be friendly with strangers.  Apparently it's not.


September 26, 2010

This is Blog

Read my blog.
Be my friend.
But don't try to be my best friend, because that position is already filled. 

Here are five random things about me:
1.  I hate stick figure iconography.  It should burn in a slow fire.
2.  The sound of a vacuum cleaner running tweaks me out a little sometimes.  I have no idea why. 
3.  I honestly can't tell you my favorite color, but I will dishonestly answer if asked.  
4.  That being said, I'm positive that my favorite color is not orange or yellow. 
5.  I can't swim.

Here are three less random things about me.
1.  I design.
2.  I dance.
3.  I write.
Sorry to make this into an Apple commercial with all my "I" statements. 

From now on, whatever happens here, happens.  I can't promise consistency.