August 27, 2016

And six years later.....

A lot has changed. Including me. Where do I even begin? Not quite sure, but I think maybe it's time to talk again, even if its just to the empty abyss of cyberspace.

I made a lot of plans. The plan fell apart. I haven't quite been able to put the pieces back together, but I'm trying. Slowly. It takes time. I got burned very badly. Lot my way. Had to give up and start over. It's hard. It hurts like hell sometimes.

That's a terrible introduction I know, but how do I break the ice after SIX YEARS of saying nothing? To be fair, I was in the middle of my senior year of college when I started this and I was probably procrastinating from doing something important, and then realized I couldn't afford to procrastinate. So here I am, you lucky people.

If you're still reading this....bless your heart. I hope I won't let you down, friend.
